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Ways to support us...

'Child' Spotting 

To Find OUt MORE: 

Criminal Law and Child Neglect



What we mean here is, if you see something suspicious/ hearbreaking happening to chidren in your neighbourhood, please report it. It will not do any harm as the child(ren) may be experiencing neglection daily. ​The child would need support so please do not hesitate.


The more people know, the better!!! We are trying to raise awareness about the current law and how people do not recognise the major effects neglection can do to a child's development, mentally and physically. Child neglection is actually the most common form of child abuse in the UK (and actually not physical and sexual as parents can get prosecuted through those because it is easier to find proof of). The law however, cannot do anything to the children whom have been neglected, as they need certain requirements for the law to intervene. It sound stupid right? But it's true. you can share our facebook page and twitter page with your friends and family. WE NEED TO MAKE A CHANGE!!!! THIS IS URGENT!! 




E- petition (Online petition) 




To all the wonderful people that are scattered around the UK, unable to sign the hard copy of the petition, don't fear, here is the link to our online petition. Please do sign it as you would be a law changer, which you would be proud of. just click on the image below and it would take you to the e-petition page. Thank You in advance! 

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